Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Gram that is Instant

As most of the people on the planet, I have an Instagram. At one time I had an iPhone and joined on there. 3 pictures later and I was completely done with it. No clue what to do with the program as it was in it's infancy and I just didn't see the point. 

I switched to a Droid. Everyone should.

Anyway, I re-added Instagram and have since added many people to follow as well. It reminds me a bit of twitter and tumblr so its not super difficult to get.  Take a picture, write a note underneath it, submit to Instagram and whatever other favorite social sites you have. 

I am THAT person. Say hi to Boo (Jareth).

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Talking, Chittering, and Chatting.

Coming up with some thing to post about is a lot harder then I realized. I talk all day long. ALL DAY. I work as a dispatcher for a towing company that is a good size. Usually the day is broken up into parts of busy and slow.

I crave the slow just so I don't have to talk so much. 

I've learned that talking is an essential part of life, especially when you work customer service. I talk to customers, my drivers, to different motor clubs and my boss. It took me a few years to realize that since I'm so chatty at work, I don't talk at home. When I live by myself, where it is just me and the cat, I rarely say two words until I get to my job again.

Sometimes I wonder if the cat thinks I'm mute.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August Ipsy Subscription Bag

Back in May, I found out about subscription services. All kinds can be found for anything you'd like from makeup, food to pet stuff. You pay a set price per month (either s&h is included or not) and they send you a box or bag filled with either samples or full size products to try. 

Ipsy ( ) used to be called MyGlam. For just $10 a month that you can cancel any time, you can get a custom made bag and around 5 pieces of full size or sample makeup. Also included is a card telling you that if you go to your MyGlam page (on the website) there will be codes to get discounts on the products you an receive in the bags.

This is this month's bag, apparently the print on my is backwards but isn't that a really gorgeous color? My phone doesn't show how really deep and nice it is. 
(Soon I'll have a nice phone..soooo soon)

Some people still haven't gotten their bags so what I received is below the jump. Why the hush hush? The products we get are always a surprise. There are teaser photos on the Ipsy Facebook page but you don't really know til it arrives. There's always one or two products that won't be the same as someone else's bag as I'll talk about below. They are based on a quiz you take when you sign up and they try to cater the bag to what you like.

Monday, August 12, 2013


So here is the obligatory first post complete with sky shot. Sup? The name is Tina, 33 years old and living in Pennsylvania, USA. I don't really have a plan for this just want to be completely random and talk about stuff. SomeWhatGirly is about me slowly starting to become a more girly person that I wasn't originally. Long story short, I've been a tomboy most of my life.